As with many great projects, How To Be A Pie Queen started with an idea, in this case brought on by its subject: pie. As a pie baker and lover of the dessert, I wanted to create something that would be both beautiful and functional for any annual family pie bake-a-thon. My own family favorites over the years have included apple pie recipe (made lovingly by my grandmother and her mother before her for over a century), and other fruit pie favorites (each family member has their own favorite) plus some newly created twists on old traditions.
The conception of How To Be A Pie Queen came about one holiday while searching for various recipes in different locations, and having about six books open at the same time. Like many treasured family recipe stashes, ours had only ever been on hand-typed sheets of yellowing paper, bound by a cousin in the mid 1970s. Though lovingly made, that pack of recipes didn’t contain some of the newer and also cherished ones that we had fallen in love with since its printing. This book was sparked by a taste for delicious pie, a level of crafty ingenuity, and a whole lot of research and test kitchen baking.
publication design
Take a tour of How To Be A Pie Queen and view the book in its entirety. Grab a slice of pie at